
Use Vitamin D to Fight Flu Instead of Vitamin C

Indian Desi Girls in Club

During this vitamin C is considered as a supplement that can keep us from influenza, but vitamin D was more effective. Children and adolescents are prone to colds and flu, especially in the morning. Largely because of the allergies that often appears when someone is a low immune system, and immune systems of children are still not as strong as adults so it is very easy to allergies. Therefore, vitamin C is often recommended to ward off colds and flu as a potent immune system restore so it is not easy to allergies.

But the researchers see a solution other than colds and flu phenomenon that often occurs. Disruption of the body, it often appears during the rainy season and the weather is overcast. As we know, the only vitamin that is affected by absorption of sunlight is vitamin D. So some time ago the research on the relationship of vitamin D and the immune system, and its relation with the flu.

Vitamin D Fighting Flu

Apparently, the low intake of vitamin D in the body of a person, especially in the rainy season and cloudy weather, low impact on the immune system. Researchers also found the two methods of how vitamin D can improve our immune system.

First, vitamin D strengthens the white blood cells. Second, vitamin D has anti-inflammatory content which means it can relieve the symptoms that occur when a person is infected by the virus. This phenomenon is one of them is a headache and fever that accompanies the flu sufferer.

In addition, the invention may also find the effect of vitamin D to other respiratory diseases, namely asthma. The children study subjects who initially diagnosed with asthma, 83% less likely to have an asthma attack when they take vitamin D regularly, compared with asthmatics who did not consume vitamin D.

It has long been ruled out, now is the time you enter the required vitamin D supplements should be consumed. Institute of Medicine recommends a maximum dose of 2000 IU vitamin D per day for children over the age of 1 year.

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