
Protect the Heart Fish Consumption for Women

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You like to eat a variety of dishes made from fish? This habit makes women of childbearing age are protected from cardiovascular disease. A study conducted in Denmark for 8 years in 49 000 women with ages 15 to 49 years. The results of this study were written in Hypertension: Journal of the American Heart Association. The study focused on fish consumption, fish oil supplements instead.

"Women who rarely or never ate fish had cardiovascular problems (heart and blood vessels) 50 percent for eight more this year than women who eat fish regularly," said the researchers.

Protect the Heart Fish Consumption for Women

In addition, women who rarely or never ate fish at risk 90 percent higher for heart problems than women who ate fish every week. When research is conducted on cardiovascular hospital, researchers found that people with heart problems are three times higher in women who do not eat fish.

"We see a strong association between cardiovascular disease in women who are still in the age of 30," Marin said Strom, head of research of the Center for Fetal Programming at the Statens Serum Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark. Still according to him, the benefits of eating fish would be better if done from a young age, at least twice a week.

Meanwhile, women in the study who love to eat fish reported that the fish they often enjoy are cod, salmon, herring and mackerel. All fish contain omega-3 fatty acids are high, and contains polyunsaturated fatty acids are believed to protect against heart disease and blood vessels.

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