
Want to Success Diet? Keep This Secret Diet

Indian Girl in Yellow Shirt

If the people around do not know you're dieting, the temptation to mess up dietary rules just feels bigger. From the invitation of friends to hangout until the shipment of food from the people closest to that would be redundant if it is not eaten. Looks like we should inform our diet on these people so that they do not interfere. However, one study found other things.

Research shows that those who told his colleagues about the details of his diet programs tend to fail to meet targets. The reason is the response of the people around us about the diet program. The researchers explain that positive responses received by the person that dieters tend to be assumed as a compliment. The result, dieters will be tempted to loosen his diet.

Success Diet

Quoted from Dailymail, Professor of psychology Dr. Peter Gollwitzer, who headed the study, explained that the location of the danger is you feel you have reached the goal and felt no need to go on a diet. Another factor is, other people's opinions can differ about diet and your body. Diverse opinions will obscure your view of the ideal body, and can mess up your self-discipline on a diet.

How to overcome this, it's easy. There are three steps you can do:

1. Keeping secret for your diet. The less you tell me about this diet, the better.

2. Clarify for your own diet program, such as when, where and how you will do the diet.

3. We need support in the diet, so .. to tell close friends and people you believe will support the implementation of this diet.

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