
Strawberry Can Prevent Gastric Damage

Desi Aunty Tells about Strawberry

Strawberry, bright red fruit acids are preferred people. Not only delicious in a variety of processed foods, desserts and smoothies, strawberries are rich in antioxidants can protect the health of the stomach. Launched by Genius Beauty, a group of scientists from Italy, Serbia and Spain believe that strawberries may reduce gastric mucosa damage caused by alcohol consumption.

Dr. Sara Tulipani of the University of Barcelona to make sure that the positive effects provided by the strawberry is caused by a natural antioxidant content. Strawberry can enable protection antioxidant in the body and various enzymes that are good for health. In the present study also found that including strawberry in the daily menu can prevent gastric diseases associated with free radical generation and other forms of active oxygen.


The scientists found that strawberries may slow the formation of ulcers (sores on the skin surface / membrane) of the stomach. Gastritis or inflammation of the gastric mucosa is not only associated with alcohol consumption, but also caused by viral or anti-inflammatory drugs. Scientists say that eating strawberries may reduce damage to the gastric mucosa.

The research was conducted in rats for ten days. Some of the rats were given 40 milligrams of extract per kilogram of body weight strawberry. Then, mice were given food / beverage that has been mixed with alcohol, after the trial is completed, the researchers conducted an analysis on rat stomach. The result, mice that have been eating strawberries have a wound on the surface of the hull which are smaller than mice that did not eat strawberries.

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