
Perfect Makeup Tips for Young Women

Desi Punjab Bride

Here are given some best and perfect makeup tips for young desi girls and desi women. Just checkout it below.

1. Make sure the skin condition has been in a clean state before doing the makeup. After applying moisturizer, use a liquid foundation with SPF, thinly and evenly, especially at the T-zone. Then proceed by using loose powder.

Perfect Makeup Tips for Young Women

2. After shaping the eyebrows with a brown eyebrow pencil, eye makeup part by wearing natural color eyeshadow on the eyelids and use a lighter color for highlights on the bottom of the eyebrow.

3. Affirmed line your eyes with a crayon eyeliner on the top eye line to the appearance of the eyes look more prominent, then dab mascara on the lashes top and bottom.

4. Finally, greed peach blush on the cheekbones towards the top, and lip shape using a lip pencil that was followed by applying a dusty pink color lipstick using a brush evenly.

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  1. Can you post many pictures? so that I can look many samples.., thank you.., :)
