
6 Products That Can Make Pain Body

Desi Girl Body

Remember the alleged dangers styrofoam can trigger cancer? Well, it turns out there are still some products can also threaten your health and family. Listen some of the following products, as quoted from Reader Digest.

Pain Body

Anti-sticky frying pan

Not all the pan does contain PFC (Perfluorinated Chemicals), but most anti-sticky frying pan using the material in its products, which appear to be harmful to health. Unexpectedly, there came the substances that trigger the growth of cancer cells.

It is highly advisable to wear a wooden cooking pans when cooking with anti sticky. And when the pan has a graze, and ripped wok elements, do not use the skillet again to cook.

Food box 'take home'

In general, take home food box / food delivery is made of styrofoam (polystyrene), at a temperature hot enough, the material is easily melted and will immediately freezes again when exposed to cold temperatures. Just imagine when the follow styrofoam and into the body, the material can not be digested and broken down by digestion.

Although the recycle symbol, but still avoid the application of Styrofoam in your daily activities.

Place of drinking water from aluminum

And do not feel secure shortcomings when you use products made from aluminum. Reportedly also showed that aluminum is one of the causes of Alzheimer's disease. Until now, the actual research on the matter has not been clear, and no further reports. However, from previous studies suggested that regular careful in using products made from aluminum.

Drink bottles and Containment

In general, plastics labeled # 7 is used in beverage bottles and Containment, gallon bottles, and baby bottles. Out of the bottle securely and can be used more than one time. However, it does not mean they are truly free of bisphenol A (BPA). It is advisable to choose a bottle labeled # 1, # 2, # 4, or # 5 rather than labeled # 3, # 6 and # 7.

Plastics labeled # 3

Usually this plastic material can be found in toys, furniture, and more. Here, the plastic may contain PVC or Polyvinyl chloride can damage the liver, kidneys and reproductive system, especially when swallowed.

Refill bottles

Refill bottles are usually labeled # 1 and made of quality plastic materials are safe when used repeatedly. So what's the harm?

Because of repeated use, we often ignore it clean, but bacteria can only sit there and follow the current harmful drink. To the best refill bottles are washed and cleaned regularly.

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