
A World Famous Types of cheese

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Cheese was already known as a food since 7000 BC in the Middle East. Cheese or cheese comes from caseus said, in Latin, which means that casein, a protein that is there in milk. Nutrient content in cheese is about the same as milk. Generally, the cheese is rich in calcium, protein, phosphorus and fat.

Various types of cheese, some butter soft, tender, seasoned, soft cream, felt sauce, sharp or smooth. Texture, too, have a chewy, or very soft. Also all kinds of smells, depending on the spice mix and type of milk, there is a light but there is a sharp.

Checkout below A World Famous Types of cheese

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In the world, there are millions of types of cheese. However, only a few highly popular and mainstream. Some of which are:

1. Swiss Cheese. From its name, you must know where this cheese. Cheese is full of holes, like the cheese in the image of cartoon films. That said, the larger the hole, then the sharp smell. The longer stored in high temperature, the bacteria and enzymes will produce a sharper smell. If the cheese did not cut it right, the cheese will be crumbly because the holes in it. This cheese has a taste like nuts, some are bitter and sweet taste.

Say Cheese

2. Feta Cheese. Derived from the Greek. Made from a combination of goat and sheep milk. This new cheese can be consumed after the aging time for months. White color and usually in the form box. Teksurnya soft and somewhat stiff. It tastes a little salty and the smell is light but there is a sting, depending on aging time. This crumbly cheese, usually used for salads, assorted pastries and baked.

3. c. Made from a combination of cow's milk, sheep and goats. Color is blue and some black dots like mushrooms. This cheese is usually kept at room temperature and has a different flavor, depending on storage. It tastes salty and sharp. Because the aroma and the taste is strong, this type of cheese used as ingredients.

4. Cheddar Cheese. It takes its name from the name of a village in England. Stiff texture, the color vary from yellow to white opaque. It is a light, others are sharp. The more sharp taste, its smell is more sharp.

5. Cream Cheese. Usually once made wine cake topping. Cheese does not undergo a process of aging and usually eaten in a fresh condition. This is what distinguish them from other types of soft cheese. Cream Cheese is made difficult. If one process, then taste and texture may change. It combines the sweet, soft, Creamy, and light on the tongue. From all types of cheese, Cream Cheese has the highest fat content. Usually, there are preservatives in it that can be consumed over a long time. Cream Cheese is used for filler material bread, bagels, and cracker.

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Still a lot of other popular types of cheese. However, based on the texture that is divided into three soft and hard. Several other types of soft texture cottage, ricotta, brie, Roquefort, and mozzarella. This soft cheese is usually eaten with fruit and meat-challenge. You can also provide additional calcium be creative your breakfast with this soft cheese mix in omelets or the content of the bread into your pastry like croissants. Sense of soft cheese mentioned above are usually mild and gentle.

The cheese is hard, has a sharp sense of the texture instead of soft cheeses. Very tasty food with fruit and cracker. Kind of hard cheese, among others provolone and Gouda, which in Indonesia is known as Edam. These cheeses are processed by fumigation. Edam is normally used for english cabinet mixture, or pastry cheese sticks, cheese soup or sauce. This melted cheese sauce to taste on your grill.

There is another form of pieces of cheese texture. Some types of cheese are among the Parmesan cheese, Romano, and Gruyere. Usually shaped like a powder and is commonly used for distribution of spaghetti or other pasta dishes. However, this cheese is also delicious eaten with fruit, wine, nuts, and other foods taste Invitees.

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