
Organic Cosmetics Safe Forever?

Beautiful Makeup Desi Girl

Do not be happy and feel 100% safe when using labeled organic cosmetics! You should still be vigilant!
"Nature is always providing the best, including keeping the beauty of every woman". You must have often heard the slogan, plus Indonesia grow the majority of women with an abundance of natural materials are very supportive beauty. But .. with the shifting time, we prefer to use instant beauty products containing natural ingredients especially cosmetics labeled organic, right?

We are more often tempted to use materials that give cosmetic frills 'natural' or 'organic', because we feel that it's getting close to the natural material, the more secure and better the results we get. And if you're careful, products labeled 'contains natural ingredients' that puts natural ingredients on the label on the last row of the composition. And worse, a product labeled 'organic' was a lot of lawsuits.

Organic Cosmetics

'Organic' But Dangerous

How far a beauty product may be labeled 'organic'? As reported by Genius Beauty, the laws in California, United States require at least a natural substance that is contained in at least 70 percent organic products, after which the label 'organic' must be given. In fact, many beauty products labeled 'organic' that do not meet these criteria and the producers only take profit.

So do not be surprised when the Center for Environmental Health (CEH) carry out checks on the stores Walgreens, Target, and Whole Foods around the Bay Area, found 26 products that use the label 'organic' but do not meet the requirements given. Even worse, some of these products even threaten health. For example, a shampoo product for children labeled organic are actually in it found a material that can cause cancer.

Although the inspection team of health experts on materials made from natural and organic cosmetics have not we hear its echo in Indonesia, it could not hurt you more carefully from now on cosmetic products you use (also used by your family). Make sure you understand each ingredient on the label material composition. Not always labeled natural and organic products have a level of 100% security.

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