
Lose Weight, Fat Loss Or Muscle Loss?

Arabic Girls

Some of you may also have struggled to lose weight but still have not succeeded. If so, let us return to the principles of losing weight is right.

Weight loss programs can result in a reduction of three body composition is fat, water, and muscle. Of course you want is a decrease in fat content is not it? Because muscle is more dense than fat, the reduction of fat content has little effect on a lot of weight and appearance than the reduction in levels of muscle.

For example, someone managed to lower the fat content by 10% alone is enough to make significant changes in their appearance. To ensure you are losing weight in the form of fat, not muscle levels, can be used gauges levels of fat or fat monitor.

Fat Loss Or Muscle Loss

Reduction in levels of muscle during weight loss can be avoided by doing weight training or other strength training regularly and maintaining adequate protein intake. So if you're on a low carbohydrate diet or an intense workout should increase protein intake.

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the number of calories burned when the body is in a resting condition (without doing any activity). BMR is influenced by body weight and amount of muscle a person's levels. The more the number of levels of muscle, the more calories you burn naturally. That is, if you are experiencing elevated levels of muscle, then the calories in the food you eat will burn so it will not gain weight. Conversely, if you have additional levels of fat from the calories in food will only add weight.

If your calorie intake from one's diet is greater than the value of BMR then you will burn fat. Conversely, if your calorie intake diet is lower than the BMR, you still burn fat but also muscle burn in large numbers. In fact, as already mentioned above, decreased levels of muscle will affect BMR, thus slowing down your metabolism. That is why dieting to starve is to reduce eating the wrong diet.

That's why experts do not recommend reducing carbohydrate intake drastically for those who are on a diet low in carbohydrates and high in protein. After all, your muscles need carbohydrates to refill muscle glycogen.

Do exercises at 1.5 to 2 hours after meals to help reduce levels of fat and maintain muscle levels are not reduced. In a period of time, insulin and glucose levels decreased gradually. The pancreas will produce the hormone glucagon and nutrients in the fat cells are released into the blood as energy, especially when practicing.

Conversely, if the blood sugar level was increased dramatically (for example, when the consumption of carbohydrates), insulin will 'feed' the muscle cells and storing the excess into fat cells. Furthermore, if the insulin levels were drastically reduced, the muscle cells will not receive the required nutrition. That's why the consumption of protein foods fast immediately absorbed immediately after exercise for muscle recover soon.

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