
Fitness: Where's The Myth Only?

Bangali Girls

One of the most popular myths about going to the gym is, the muscles become big and scary. That's why the gym was found more often men than women are practicing. In fact, going to the gym not only weight training course, you still can train the muscles by way of aerobics or other exercises that make your body toned and fit really.

For that, try to identify, where the myth, and what is not ...

Myth: do not need to eat before practice

"Want to eat really lean on, do not have to eat if you want to exercise!" said a friend to you. And is it true what was said by him?

Of course not. The body still needs energy. So according to experts, at least 30-45 minutes before practice, we are encouraged to eat.

Are also suggested for the selected foods are foods that contain protein and glucose, such as yogurt or protein shake that can then be parsed by the body when you practice, as well as a provision of energy. Choosing foods in liquid form, it would be easier for the body to absorb nutrients and circulate throughout the body.


Myth: just need to practice on a limited section

One big. Fat spread in almost all parts of the body, and it does look quite up in some parts such as thighs, arms, hips, abdomen, chest and buttocks as well. To establish and remove fat in certain parts, you still have to do if the whole body.

Myth: a woman's body will be great when doing weight lifting

First, women do not produce the hormone testosterone are high enough to make a big muscle. Second, not all strong women lifting weights with a large enough size only as a daily workout only. They are able to do so tend to work as an athlete.

Myth: exercise is not maximized when no sweat

Sweat is not related to how hard you've done. Each body has an exhaust system that is different, so with the same effort, not necessarily all of the body to produce sweat with the same amount anyway.

In fact, it could burn calories without you produce sweat whose numbers do not as much with your colleagues.

Myth: do not want to hurt them, stretch

It is true, stretching is very important in every sport and exercise, stretching can help to heat up the muscles before heading into the next movement. But that does not mean guarantee you will never hurt, because the hurt can happen when you are not careful.

Myth: Muscle will turn to fat if not trained

Muscle and fat are two different things. If you do not do a long workout, your muscles will not turn into fat, but it will shrink and not as strong as when trained.

Myth: no need to increase the intensity of exercise to burn fat

Some say, no need to increase the intensity of exercise to burn fat, do it with the same intensity on a regular basis.

Well, some people believe that with moderate exercise intensity and periodic, then the fat can be burned completely. However, according to the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, the increasing intensity of exercise will burn fat much more effectively, because of course the harder you try, the more calories you will burn.

How, if until now you still afraid to burn fat at the gym?

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