
Dieting Tips For Your Body

Sania_Mirza Hot Photo

The way to diet and slimming the body there is a variety, there are heavy and some light, some are boring and no fun, and this one is actually rather strange and make frowned.

Who told you to get a dream body that celebrities just sat there alone or perform plastic surgery. In daily life they are also still doing a strict diet while in active acting or singing.

There are various diets that do the Hollywood actress, but there is no diet that is 'interesting' (unique at once strange) as did the three following artists:

Dieting Tips For Your Body

Bey-once: Maple syrup diet

Performed by another singer Irresistible is eating food with maple syrup. There are times when he was just eating a few tablespoons of maple syrup only. And if Beyonce then managed to lose weight with syrup maplenya trick it?

Hmmm ... reality can be, but still accompanied by vigorous exercise.

Liz Hurley: diets of children

What is meant here is the diet, eat using cutlery children. By default, when using cutlery children, the amount of food diasup less than adults. There was no desire to add a menu that looks like because the plate must be full, and selected menus are also only a certain menu.

You can imagine how much about the food that goes into his stomach every day right? Nutrients should nutrition he needs is an adult, but he only gets a share of the children, obviously just his weight eventually dropped.

Demi Moore: eating raw food

Eww ... the correct course. What do Demi Moore is indeed quite reckless. Some vegetables can indeed and taste delicious eaten in a raw state, but certainly not all right?

And, Demi Moore did it anyway on the grounds that a diet according to his needs. The result still was her look beautiful, but should punish myself every day and bury deep in your appetite to another menu? We do not think so, Ladies.

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