
4 Biggest Relationship Barriers in Love

Desi Girls in Groups

This is the fourth largest barrier that could undermine your relationship with him.

1. Different Religions

Affairs of this one was a little taboo to talk about, but this is what actually makes a lot of couples have to say "Good bye, honey". While still at the beginning of a relationship, you and he believed that these differences are not a barrier, yet many interfaith couples who eventually married and live happily even if they remain distinct religion.

It could be your family or the family he had waged a choice so that you end the relationship or one should give in and become followers of the same religion. This will be worse when you and he (and his family from both sides) want to maintain their respective religion. Not to mention if you've agreed to follow the religion of her marriage for smooth, do not close the possibility of your family actually hostile to him because it was 'misleading' you.

Relationship Barriers in Love

2. Family He (Or you) Do not give consent

When married, you not only marry him, but also his family. This assumption is true, even more so in Indonesia. So .. if one of the families there who do not agree (in addition to reasons beyond the point 1), then this could be the biggest obstacle your relationship with him. You or the he will be confused to choose the love between two people or families who since childhood has been giving a lot of love.

Consider if you and he are determined to continue the relationship even to the point of marriage. Are you ready to get married without the blessing of a family? Consider also how the attitude of those who do not agree in the future, it could be you or your spouse will continue to 'hostility', including your children someday. Are you ready with your children's questions, "Why mother hostile to grandma and grandpa?"

3. You Want to Marry Soon, He's Not

Often women feel ready and want to get married with her partner, but the man on the opposite side because they do not want to get married for reasons not yet time, not ready, yet stable finances, career has not been established and a series of other reasons that are not too surprising leveled the man to run away from commitment.

Not infrequently it is a source break a relationship. Men would be embarrassed because the woman continued to whine and forced to get married. While you can not understand why the he did not want to marry you. He loves you, only his eyes still far away from marriage. So the decision in your hands, want to wait for him (who knows how long) or finish the relationship.

4. The Long Distance

Is the distance can keep you from his heart? Could be yes, could not. Many couples who have long-distance relationship but managed to tie the sacred promise of marriage. Unfortunately, not a few couples who end up with a reason for great distances could in fact alienate their hearts to be united because a lot of energy and emotion that is more depleted in long-distance relationship.

Okay, maybe the distance did not prevent the expression of love is true, but you also must be ready to close that distance. Communication medium of the present ease the love relationship couples adrift distance. The way it could be successful if you and he are both mutual trust. But think again if you or he have a sense of suspicion and jealousy of excess, this will make your relationship worse.

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