
Onion Skin Cancer And Prevent Diabetes

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Onion as a spice widely used in cooking. Most housewives peel outer skin and get rid of, but onion skin that has proven beneficial to human health.

Based on the researchers in a study published in the journal Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, dry outer skin of the onion are rich in fiber and flavonoids. While bulb onions contain sulfur content.

"Trash of the onions is a natural source of content, because vegetables are rich in compounds that are useful for human health," said Vanesa Benitez, a researcher from the Department Of Agricultural Chemistry University of Madrid, Spain, as quoted by the Times of India.

Onion Skin Cancer And Prevent Diabetes

Benitez research groups working with scientists from Cranfield University UK has conducted laboratory experiments. They examined the possible use of every part of the onion.

Based on that study, dry onion skins contain high fiber diet. Onion skins also contain phenolic content, such as quercetin and flavonoids, and other metabolic substances that have efficacy as a medicine. Two outer layers of onions also contain fiber and flavonoids.

"Eating fiber reduces the risk of heart disease, gastric complaints, colon cancer, type 2 diabetes, and obesity," added the researchers. The problem now, how shall I cultivate onion skin is so worth eating? Onion skin is more difficult to chew and if fried in high heat it will damage its flavonoids. So, if you have spare time, should try to cultivate onion skin to be eaten.

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