
Role of Olive Oil in the World Beauty

Olive Oil Expat Desi Girls

More than 750 years, the olive tree is cultivated in almost 95% of the plains of the Mediterranean. Oil produced from these trees that contribute many benefits both in the field of health, fuel, medical, and beauty. It works in the field of beauty has been tested for some period of time, and deserves two thumbs up. The content of vitamin E, which reaches 93% is believed to maintain the beauty with perfect skin. No wonder so many cosmetic products are many rely on olive oil as one of the basic material products. What are the roles of oil is adored this woman?

Olive Oil Expat Desi Girls

Moisturize dry skin

Because vitamin E is large then olive oil is very effective to moisturize dry skin. Simply by rubbing olive oil on the spots of dry skin on a regular basis, and olive oil will work naturally on the skin.

Olive oil or better known by the name of olive oil is also safe for use in all parts of the body, the lips, elbows, knees, heels and other dry parts.

You also can soak in water that has been mixed with olive oil and some other spices to get the smooth skin.

Clean the rest of mascara

Sometimes cleansing milk will make your eyes hurt when I had to clean the mascara on the eyes. For that cotton basting with a little olive oil, lightly pat until the mascara in the eye clean and leaves no scars. Eyelid was still retain moisture and not dry.

Soften Hair

For very dry hair, basting with herb olive oil mixed with egg yolk. Apply on a dry stem to the tip of the hair. Wrap a warm towel and leave for 20-30 minutes. Do this treatment once a week and undoubtedly your hair will be soft and not dry.

Avoid applying olive oil on the scalp, especially if your hair is oily hair type.

Eliminates cuticle

Dust and dirt on the road sometimes stuck to the nail feet and hands and piled up to the cuticle. How do I remove it? Combine a few drops of olive oil into a bucket of warm water. Soak hands and feet in a bucket, will soften cuticles and off by itself. Clean nails with a towel and make sure no dirt is left behind.

Or rubbing nails with olive oil and then wrap the feet with socks and leave overnight. Wash the next day.

In addition to removing the cuticle, olive oil is also able to strengthen brittle nails so as not to know.

Well, how are you attracted to the severity of this olive oil?

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