
Right Step For Combination Skin Care

Right Step For Combination Skin Care

Feature combination skin, oily on certain parts alone, as in the T-zone and cheek area. On the other facial skin type combination, tend to dry or normal, so sometimes frustrating for us when certain parts are greasy and occasionally we have to wipe it with oil paper face so as not to look like an oil refinery.

In order for the amount of oil under control, there are several treatments you can do, let's follow the steps.

Right Step For Combination Skin Care

1. Have a combination skin type also means we must be diligent to clean the face. And we must use a two-step cleanser. Product cleanser one step less fit when used for this skin type, because in general less than the maximum lift oil in the region T.

2. After using milk cleanser, foaming facial wash your face with a stick for the rest of the cosmetics do not clog pores.

3. Dry your face with a towel, then pat your face with astringent. Choose too astringent or freshener whose function is to reduce oil production (cucumber or lime).

4. Choosing a moisturizer should not be too indiscriminate. For combination skin types, it is better to use a moisturizer with a lotion that is generally water-based, not oil.

5. Similarly, when selecting another cosmetic product, avoid selecting a preferred form of creams and lotions. As for eyeshadow and powder, select the form of powder that will not interfere with even the appearance of excess oil in the T-zone.

Do not forget to bring powder with you wherever you go, so you can still daub powder every time you need.

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