
Practical Ways to Strengthen Feather Eye

Hot Desi Pakistani Girls

Have Lentik and thick eyelashes, who did not want to?
To the owner of a thin and short eyelashes, usually dealt with the use of false eyelashes. But for those not familiar, the application of false eyelashes are a bit difficult and complicated.

Well, there is an easier way to thicken your eyelashes without false eyelashes. Members of cosmetology Qiqi Franky give tips for you!

Practical Ways to strengthen Feather Eye

You only need mascara and powder black powder. Ulaskan eyelashes black mascara top and bottom. While it is still wet ,ve applied powder on your eyelashes evenly. Able to use the eyeshadow brush, cotton buds or eyebrow brush.

Clean the remaining distribution of powder around the eyes using a tissue box, and then coated again with a black blindfold in the same way as the first. As a result, it seems more eyelashes and thick Lentik.

This method can be used to makeup the night, and for a more dramatic effect. Refine your glamorous look with red lipstick.

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