
Diarrhea Caused By Stress

Pakistani Simple Girls

Many people think that diarrhea caused by eating haphazardly. But it turns out stress also play a part in causing diarrhea. Many diseases can be caused by stress. One of them is diarrhea. Diarrhea is one of the stomach ailments that can make you uncomfortable, and certainly no one would be pleased if this disease.

With the help of Imodium (a drug that can help reduce diarrhea and abdominal pain during your stop diarrhea), we have several lists of things that can and you should not do when diarrhea strikes.

Diarrhea Caused By Stress


1. Reduce stress levels - try to relax with deep breathing deeply and slowly to calm yourself. If you feel worried about something, try to confide in someone who can help you.

2. Take a break - especially if you start to feel tired. Taking a break can avoid panic and stress.

3. Perform light exercise - moderate exercise can make your body more relaxed and refreshed, especially when stress starts to attack.

4. Have fun - laughter is the best way to reduce stress and can boost the immune system is already declining because of stress.


1. Excessive worry - your diarrhea may be treated with anti-diarrheal drugs containing loperamide (Imodium type). Loperamide slows your digestive system works, let your body absorb more fluid from the intestines and helps you reduce the symptoms of diarrhea.

2. Eating lots of alcohol - diarrhea cause the body to dehydrate. Drink plenty of water and fruit juices. Stay away from alcohol and milk, because the two types of these beverages can irritate your intestines.

3. Indiscriminate eating - try to eat fresh fruits, vegetables and snack foods that contain wheat. These foods will help your digestion.

Do not dismiss diarrhea, in some cases even diarrhea can cause death. So try to look at your diet first try to perform activities that can reduce your stress.

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