
Rice Creating Brighter Skin

Desi Girls in Japan

One woman's beauty secret hereditary Japan and Korea that have bright skin is rice. Yes, food is abundant and easy we find it not only used as a staple food, but also one of the ingredients that can make the skin brighter, smoother and glowing.

If you ever watched the Korean drama called Jewel In The Palace, the main character a woman named Jang Geum who is a physician gives advice to his friend who asked how to get the skin clean, washing your face with water that is used to wash rice.

Rice is very easy to meet, then we can use this advice. But washing your face with water used to wash the rice is not very recommended because most rice contain pesticides. Select only organic rice to benefit the natural beauty of this East Asian women. How:

Compress Rice:

1. Take a piece of fabric made from fine materials such as cotton.

2. Put a few grains of rice on the cloth, then tie the fabric taut so the rice does not spill out.

3. Mashed rice on the cloth gently until smooth.

4. Soak briefly bag of rice that has been refined into the warm water.

5. Pat or rub the bag evenly on the face for 3 minutes.

6. Rinse face with cold water and pat dry.

Rice Mask:

1. Soak rice overnight, drain.

2. Mash until the rice is really soft like a powder, then dry in the sun to dry.

3. Rice powder can be used as a face mask by adding honey or warm water.

4. Rub on face, wait 15-20 minutes then rinse with cold water.

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