
Color Affecting Your Appetite

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People say, determinants of food or drink is tempting to eat from the aroma and appearance. One is the color of food. Reportedly, we have to choose colors that appeal to the tempting food, good for food, beverage or just the packaging wrapper. But the so-called attractive colors that how? Uncover the secrets hidden between color and appetite following.

White and snacking

As if there is no content of anything in it, white food makes you forget about the calories or preservatives and even bleach may be present in food. Therefore, many snacks or snacks that are white, because it makes you 'forget yourself'.

Color Affecting Your Appetite

Orange color and the impression of danger

In psychology, orange food makes one cautious in eating it because it is identical to the color of a hot fire. Fruits are orange also makes people become aware, either from a sense of acid or from other factors.

Healthy green color and impression

Green food body interpreted as a healthy food, because the natural ingredients and healthy a lot of green, such as vegetables, cucumber, green pear fruit, green apples, kiwi, and so on. Green foods make people feel safe and get health benefits when eaten.

Yellow color taste enhancers

Yellow synonymous with happiness because it makes the bright atmosphere, and excitement make awakened appetite so you do not hesitate to order whatever it comes to your mind and eat it with pleasure. With the foundation it relied too much food packaging in red and yellow as their wrappers.

The most attractive red color

The color of most foods increases appetite is red. Synonymous with passion and energy, food with the color red is always tempting success. Except for you who already understand the dangers of additives in foods, especially red dyes are notoriously dangerous.

Blue, purple and black, the destruction taste

There are also the colors when applied to the food actually makes you not in the mood. The colors are blue, purple and black. Humans used to think that foods with these colors can be lethal or toxic. But naturally, the color purple also exist in tubers, fruit and vegetables are well known, like the berry family, beat and eggplant. This makes the color purple is still attractive as a food or drink because it makes us assume there is a sense of delicious berries or grapes in it.

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