
Overcome Dry Nail Tips When Fasting

Expat Desi Girls

Nails are dry and rough from lack of fluids, can be restored easily. dry nail problem seems simple, but very annoying. Cuticle around the nail which dries certainly unsightly and if you paint your nails, cuticles are very disturbing outcome of painting nails. Dry conditions can also cause the skin near the nails become cracked, causing a painful wound and interfere with your activities. Moreover, their indirect effect is that you can injure the skin and the surface of a soft fabric or objects inadvertently because it scratched by the nails or dry skin around the nails are quite sharp. When fasting, fluid intake is reduced so that a variety of beauty any problems arise. Generally, less drinking water makes the skin becomes dry, including the nails become cracked, rough and branched. Luckily, how to recover it is fairly easy and you can do in a short time so as not to interfere with your activities while fasting.

Overcome Dry Nail Tips When Fasting

1. Petroleum jelly

Petroleum Jelly or Vaseline, and also the best skin cream to restore moisture around the nail. Before bed, apply vaseline on your finger nails and wear gloves while you sleep.

2. Olive oil

Olive oil is not only useful for the kitchen, but also for beauty. Soak your nails in olive oil for several minutes. If no olive oil, you can also use baby oil. Avoid Acetone generally use acetone nail polish remover, but if your skin is dry, avoid materials that contain acetone. Instead, disposable paper products with acetone-free, because the acetone will aggravate the dryness of your nails.

4. Wear rubber gloves

when fasting and prone to dry your nails get used to wearing gloves when it will be washing dishes, mopping floors, washing clothes, and others. The chemicals in laundry soap, detergent and mops drugs can make your nails dry more.

5. Eating fruits and vitamins

Healthy nail conditions need micro nutrients such as vitamins and minerals is sufficient. Therefore, when breaking the fast your menu complete with fruit and vegetables and add vitamin supplements to meet the needs of your skin.

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