
Best Food During Fasting

Arab Fasting Girls

These foods will keep your skin fresh and healthy during the month of fasting. Peek and apply until the day of Fitr nan arrived.I felt, the month of Ramadan has arrived. Fasting for one month does not mean letting the skin may become dry due to lack of supply of nutrients to notice. When dawn and breaking fast, usually the women often ignore food consumed, an important satiety. Whereas the selection of the right foods will make your skin thank you. Do not let your skin suffer as long as you are running fast. Drink eight glasses a day is important! When you are fasting, the body loses lots of fluids. The impact of the lack of fluids during the day will affect your skin. Therefore, get your drink mineral water in a sufficient intake during the meal and fasting. In addition to a fresh body, the skin supple and not dry. Broccoli, Carrots, and Spinach Three vegetables that you can find it easily. Do not underestimate the usefulness on your skin. Vitamin A that are on the three vegetables can help the skin in terms of regeneration. Broccoli bake at dawn, carrot juice as a beverage break and spinach nodes are suggested menus. Brussel Sprouts / Cabbage Mini Vegetables are similar to cabbage, it's just a smaller form with a flavor that is also delicious. You can get them both in traditional markets and supermarkets. A high content of vitamin C and very good to make the skin fresh and bright. Tomato rosy fruit can you serve as a fresh juice for breaking the fast, eaten directly or processed with other vegetables. Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants that make your body and your skin protected from the dangers of free radicals. Let's begin to put tomatoes in the daily menu during the month of Ramadan. SCHEDULE OF FASTING holy month of Ramadan 1432 H Whole Wheat products are whole wheat you can enjoy in the form of bread or cereal. Food products made ​​from whole wheat you can make the dish when the meal because it is practical and rich in selenium . Selenium helps skin cells repair and regeneration. Choose cereals that contain no sugar, because too much sugar can trigger acne. Red Meat? Choose Lean Enjoying rendang, soto rawon or meats warm while breaking the fast is delicious. But limit your consumption of meat as snow. Choose lean red meat as the supply of iron which can prevent a black circle on the eye. It would be wise if you do your own cooking red meat. Milk and dairy? Few Only We will not ban you stop the consumption of animal milk and other dairy products, because animal milk are good sources of calcium for the health of the body. But be careful, milk and other dairy consumption is excessive can make your skin full of inflammation such as pimples and boils. Two glasses of warm low fat milk at dawn and break the fast enough to meet calcium needs during the fasting month. If your skin is maintained since the beginning of Ramadan with beautiful food, then you are ready to face the day nan Fitri with a clean heart, and skin is beautifully manicured. Enjoy the beauty of fasting to a friend Woman is running.

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