
The Ring And Pendant Of Dried Fruits

Beautiful Arab Girls

Dried chilli for seasoning was used. If dried fruits for decoration ring and necklace, it's just remarkable. Another new innovation in the fashion world, or rather in the world of jewelry. Material from precious metals, rocks expensive, pearls, and jade has become one of jewelry making materials that have been scattered all over the world. It seemed bored if only to change the model or form that it is and it again.

he Ring And Pendant Of Dried Fruits

The fashion world is always looking for new works are unique and innovative. Works that make people amazed even frowned. wait that does not need to be felt for too long, because a designer who comes from Texas has done a daring innovation to present other kinds of jewelry, rings and necklaces. The young woman did not make jewelry out of materials that have been mentioned in the first paragraph, but other materials that have often been in the kitchen and our dining table, fresh-dried food ingredients.

he Ring And Pendant Of Dried Fruits

The idea of ​​a dried food material is already common in the world of cooking, but in jewels, another story, this innovation is very unique and captivating. Look above the ring collection, you certainly do not imagine will be wearing a ring made from the flesh of fresh fruits that have been dried. See also the pendant below, made from sweet potatoes which are usually only presented in the form of steamed sweet potato or yam chips.

he Ring And Pendant Of Dried Fruits

Cathy Wu, a young designer who came from Texas and currently teaches at Évreux, France. A very brilliant idea of making jewelry out of materials that we would see every day in abundant quantities. Call it green apples, pears, kiwi, oranges, plums, sweet potatoes, and potatoes. The name of the food that we often encounter both in traditional markets and supermarkets. Little patience for drying materials, arrange them and voila ... become a fashion item that is not unusual. So far, there has been no information suggesting that young women born in 1986 is producing rings and necklaces of dried fruit in bulk to be marketed. Nevertheless, the work of Cathy Wu can inspire us all to take advantage of anything around us. With creative ideas and willing to try, the potato is processed into cakes which usually turns out to sweeten your charming appearance.

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