
8 Ways to Combat Body Odor

Arab Aunty Body

Spray perfume to the entire body will not help you eliminate body odor. Try to follow some advice from us.There are various causes someone to have excessive body odor. Among others, caused by an unbalanced diet, eating too much concentrated flavorful food, stress, hormonal fluctuations, a rare genetic disorder, and other causes. Spray perfume on the body that have body odor, it will not help eliminate the odor. In fact, in most cases, the smell of the body will become less pleasant because of mixing fragrance with body odor.

Body Odor

How do I fix this? Try the following trick!

1. Consume high-fiber foods such as whole grains, soy products, green vegetables, and fruits. Avoid foods that are too spicy, aromatic odor and caffeine.

2. Drinking 1-2 liters of mineral water is not only good for the skin and digestion, but also helps remove body odor from the body in the form of sweat and urine.

3. Use soaps that contain antibacterial, especially after heavy activity such as sports or work.

4. Clean the armpit with apple vinegar 4-5 days at least once. This will help reduce odor.

5. Use clothing that can absorb sweat, so that body odor is not too oppressive.

6. Shave underarm perspiration is not routinely stored for a longer there, and easily absorbed clothes.

7. Use talc powder in the folds of the body, and select a powder that contains antibacterial.

8. Use stick deodorant in the morning time or move.

With some of the above, body odor undoubtedly reluctant to draw near to you.

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