
How to Teach Your Child to Write Beautifully

Writing Desi Girls

Many of today's students do not quite know how to write beautifully. Even if the parents excellent handwriting, this does not mean that the same clean and tidy will write their child. Currently, shelves piled with pens of different sizes and shapes, words, and exercise books for every taste and many others in order to facilitate the process of learning to write. However, this handwriting in children are not getting better.

Now parents are trying to teach a child to read and write more in the preparatory group of kindergarten, then give it to the prestigious school, where a rather complex program. Baby once perfected as a letter, as it is necessary to cope with a given load, and mothers really do much.

Parents are racking their brains, how to teach children to write beautifully ? Need to prepare for this in advance, with approximately five years. Beginning classes, tune in to the fact that not all will turn out right the first time, so in any case do not scold or punish your child. Check the baby's readiness to learn: how to properly and firmly he holds the handle, well or see the letters.

If the child initially takes the pen correctly, this should be corrected immediately, otherwise then retrain virtually impossible. In order to strengthen the hands, it is necessary to carry out exercises to fine motor skills.........

Exercise on motor development

1. Give preschoolers scissors and paper, that he learns to cut out various minor and major figures, and then make one applique.

2. Exercises on drawing or shading. Buy a child coloring books, let him carefully paints the them. You can make a drawing lesson from dictation. This will require a pencil and a piece of paper into the cage. In advance, create a picture that should get in the end. In the worksheet, indicate the original position, and then dictate the direction: the cell to the left, 2 spaces left, the cell up, down 3 cells and so on, until a specified pattern is not identified.

3. Exercises with fine material. You can come up with a lesson in jewelry beads, strung on fishing line or making ornaments out of smaller buttons sewn onto the fabric.

4. Sculpting lessons will benefit the child. It not only gets the development of fine motor skills, but also strengthened the hands.

5. You can give your child a piece of paper and a pen, let him draw whatever he wants: direct and oblique rods, dots, hooks, and checkboxes.


Do not forget to make time to rest, otherwise all your efforts will be wasted. During a break, you can get a massage the forearm and wrist. Should be done patting and stroking from the elbow toward the wrist. Tingling and a slight bump edge of his hand and forearm muscles will benefit the child.

Mental attitude

Good handwriting is largely dependent on the psychological and emotional child. You can not blame the kid for the ugly lines, one can not compare his achievements with the achievements of other children. It can completely discourage learning. Better more praise for the successes he has achieved within a certain period of time.

Literacy letters

In addition to accuracy and beautiful handwriting parents are also concerned about the issue, how to teach the child to write competently ? After all, correctly and clearly express his thoughts - one of the main tasks of teachers. Someone quickly learns the rules and wrote almost without mistakes, someone literacy has been difficult. There is a widespread belief that literacy - is an innate quality. However, it is absolutely not true, and to write correctly, you need a lot to do.

Foundations of literacy are laid in early childhood, during the development of speech. It is very important for parents to correctly pronounce words, do not confuse the sounds, did not speak to "surzhik.

Not the least role in this matter is reading literature. In this case, is automatic, with the help of visual memory, memorizing words. Then, when writing essays and dictation, the child will be easier to remember a word he had often seen when reading. Anyone can correctly write the word "water", as hundreds of times seen it on signs, posters and labels.

There are many words that do not obey the basic rules. Therefore, these words must be studied separately, write dictation, where they often meet, read, specially designed literature.

Struggle with the inattention

If your child copes with dictation, and when copying from the textbook makes a lot of errors, then most likely it lacks care. He can not concentrate, it always something distracting. Such a child to do homework, it is necessary to ensure a calm, peaceful environment. It is impossible in this case turn on the TV or computer, listening to music. In order to improve care, you can take advantage of various educational games. For example, to offer the job to which you want to emphasize a certain color all the letters "A" or a few letters different colors at once.

Carelessly child who makes mistakes when copying, you can recommend to pronounce all the words of "himself" or a whisper. Perhaps, therefore, it is faster and better orient how to write one or another word. After all, here is already working auditory memory.

In order for the child competently written dictations with him constantly have to deal with. Well to the daily writing of text from magazines, newspapers, and literary dictation. You can use a special collection of dictation for school children. Training will help your child get rid of the fear of the different tests: control, dictation, independent work.

Parents certainly need to monitor the learning process in time to find and fix bugs.

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