
5 Mock Job Interview Questions

Study online and Job interview

Maybe you wonder, how might achievement and good grades that you achieve not make you welcome in a company that is you seek right now? The answer is simple, you may have 'slipped' and fell into the trap of job interview questions that you pass through.

Good achievement in school or the old company, of course, can 'sell' you on the new company. However, as smart as anything, you still have to be careful so as not to 'slip' into the trap of a job interview.

Questions can be sung a simple question and easily answered. Unfortunately, not all people respond with wise and successful. Evidence, not many people who can successfully pass the interview, even including you.

Today, everything will change. Because some trick question is revealed and this is the trick answer that question ...

"Your achievements are too nice, you sure will accept this position?"

This question is often revealed when you submit an application in that position (probably) far below your old position. The real purpose is to find out if you are the type who easily get bored with your job entailed, and whether you're going to leave the job if you're bored.


"I am a resilient and adaptable. I feel fit and challenged with a new position that I apply today. And I have more skills will I use to develop this new position."

5 Mock Job Interview Questions

"Why do you want to move from your old company?"

The second question is also often you meet. It sounds corny, but this question is also still in touch with, how long you will be comfortable with the position and responsibilities of your waistband. A company certainly did not want to constantly changing employees, as this will also give its own losses for the company.


"I want to have a wider experience and develop the skills I have. And I thought, here was the right place for it."

You may disclose the real reason 'why the company wanted to move from the old', but avoid salary reasons that are too small, or facilities that disappointing in the old place because it is unethical to say the new company, and will leave an impression is not good for you.

"Can you tell us a little about yourself?"

In this question and answered a lot of people are stuck with low quality answers and ended up dropping yourself. Actually the interviewer just wants to know your enthusiasm associated with the position you are applying. Not about food preferences or your favorite singer.


Answer these questions with things related to the position you apply. For example: if you submit an application in marketing positions, then show that you are a person who likes to hang out and have a lot of relationships everywhere. This will give the impression that you fit the position of marketing.

"Why do you think you are suited to fill this position?"

In this case, the interviewer wants to know how much ability you have to fill the proposed position. Unfortunately many who considered that in this question myself a chance to showcase achievements. And, most of them wrong!


Praising yourself and show the ability is good, but this is not the right time. Show your enthusiasm and humility. Do not brag and excessive fantasizing, just show the facts that you can do in the future. For example: "I've done some research, and I found a way to increase revenue this company."

"What do you think about your old company?"

This question may not always appear, but very questionable means is' do not ever bad-mouth your old company, and put all the secrets of the old company. "


"My old company is a successful company in its field. I got a lot of stock there, and I want to develop my skills here."

The key is honest, intelligent and remain humble. From your CV, the interviewer would have been aware of your achievements. Your job now is just 'sell' themselves as possible without being overbearing.

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