
Education Importance in Our Lives by Sachita Tushar - 5 Pics

Desi Girls

Sachita Tushar is a very intelligent student from India. She recently done PH.D. in Chemistry from University of Delhi India. The University of Delhi is a central university situated in Delhi, India and is funded by Government of India. Established in 1922, it offers courses at the undergraduate and post-graduate level.

Importance of Education:
Sachita tells that education is very important for our lives. Without education people wouldn’t have their high-developed machine and would believe that the Earth is a planet around that all another planets are moving. Why people want to have their high education? As for me I have my reasons why I want to get high education................

Without a proper education, children and families will have trouble getting out of this circle of poverty. Some students cannot afford the school fees for uniforms, books, supplies, and other indirect costs that are hindrances to attending school. This is true for both rural and urban areas. Governments should waive these fees so more people can afford to go to school. Universal primary education has to be accessible. This means schools must receive an equal distribution of funding regardless of geographic or socioeconomic locations. Poorer people and places should not be treated differently.

Lastly, she want to give a message for our readers, Education is a first step for any nation towards success.

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