
Freelancer Vaanika From India

Desi Girls

Freelancing is beome the more popular job in all over the world, specially in India and Pakistan. Vaanika is also a freelancer from India. She is really active girl from India who provide their services in India and other countries. Vaanika told about freelancer, A freelancer, freelance worker, or freelance is somebody who is self-employed and is not committed to a particular employer long term. Fields where freelancing is common include journalism, book publishing, journal publishing, and other forms of writing, editing, copy editing, proofreading, indexing, copywriting, computer programming, web design and graphic design, consulting, tour guiding and translating. Freelance practice varies greatly. Some require clients to sign written contracts, while others may perform work based on verbal agreements, perhaps enforceable through the very nature of the work. Some freelancers may provide written estimates of work and request deposits from clients. If you like this post share it.

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  1. Dear Vaanika: You are right because if there is a great demand for some certain products, then it affects the supply by making the supply less. For instance: let us say around Christmas time when new electronic games arrive or new toys then it seems as if the supply is less even though they know the demand is great. Conceptually, they do this so that they can charge higher prices for those things and believe it or not consumers fall for it. Labor markets and many other markets in the economy are influenced by supply and demand. The supply and demand for certain products determine the price of that product; just like the supply and demand for the laborer determines the price, or wage, of the laborer. Labor markets can be different from other markets because labor demand is a demand that comes from the source. Labor services are used for production of other goods; and use it to produce goods for sale. The price paid to each factor adjusts to balance the supply and demand for that factor. Because factor demand reflects the value of the marginal product of that factor, in equilibrium each factor is compensated according to its marginal contribution to the production of goods and services. Also, changes in alternative opportunity also affect labor supply as the book states, if wages in one trade suddenly rise, then more people will want to be in that trade. An increase or decrease in the output price of the product will affect the labor demand. If the output price rises, the demand curve shifts. A decrease in price reduces the value of the marginal product and decreases labor demand. At any event, with the economy being so bad, we all know some individuals, friends or relatives who are being laid off.
